We look forward to your order!

Once you have the credit application filled out and you are within our delivery area, we can deliver your feed to you. Please note, our trucks are unable to deliver into urban areas. For details on a dealer close to you, please check here https://www.jfm.ca/dealers

If you wish to pick up bags of feed and are ordering ahead, you do not need to have an account but you will need to pay for the feed before you can load it. On the order form please specify that you are picking up the order and when you would like to pick up so we can have your order ready for you.

Thank You!
JFM Customer Service


Note: If you do not have an account with us and wish to have your feed delivered, you are required to fill out a Credit Application to set up an account.

Online Order Form

*Indicates a required field.


Please verify product type and quantity before submitting your order. Thank you for your order!